May 2019 - Special Edition

First stone laid for the future SEVADEC Municipal Solid Waste Treatment plant
On last 16th May, in the presence of Natacha Bouchart, Mayor of Calais and Vice‐President of the Hauts‐de‐ France region, Claude Saint‐Joly, Président and CEO of Urbaser Environnement and President of Octeva, and Guy Allemand, President of SEVADEC, took part in the laying of the first stone at the inaugural ceremony of the future MSW treatment plant.
Over 170 people attended the ceremony, including local officials, and personnel from SEVADEC, Octeva and partners companies.
- OCTEVA, subsidiary of URBASER ENVIRONNEMENT group and of DALKIA WASTE ENERGY group ;
- POLYNOME, architectural firm..
- 44,300 t/year of residual household waste ;
- 5,500 t/year of all types of refuse from waste collection sites ;
- 1,500 t/year of refuse from the recycling centre ;
- 900 t/year of bulky waste collected separately.
- 2.6 million m3 per year of biomethane that will be reinjected into the natural gas network;
- 6,500 t/year of high quality Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) that will be upgraded in the cement industry;
- Around 14,000 t/year of good quality organic amendment to meet the needs of local farmers.
During his speech, Claude Saint-Joly reminded the audience “that the processing of the organic fraction of household waste through a sorting-methanization unit, with the production of biogas that will be reinjected into the natural gas network, including the upgrading of this organic fraction as a high quality organic amendment, with the combined production of high quality RDF to be used in the cement industry, is not only compatible but also complementary with the development of the biowaste source-separative collection. In this respect and more globally, this plant will be a pioneer of an innovative and optimal MSW treatment system, in particular when the local authorities have decided to reject the incineration solution".
Guy Allemand noted in particular that the new plant will positively complement the SEVADEC existing Recycling Centre (comprised of a packaging recycling plant and a biowaste anaerobic digestion facility), increasing the current rate of waste recycling from 54% to 92%, and making SEVADEC one of the most efficient public entity in the national territory. The President also noted that SEVADEC’s main strength lies in the unity of its elected members, who have always managed to combine both pragmatism and innovation in order to meet performance targets and preserve the environment.
Natacha Bouchart acknowledged the work achieved by Guy Allemand and his Director, Laurent Letren, and reminded the audience that the project, which represents an investment of 40 millions euros, which has been partly economically supported by the Grand Calais Terres & Mers public entity and by the Hauts-de-France region, is a pioneering waste management tool that will help to boost ecology, economy and employment.
Publication Director : Bertrand Hyllaire — Copy : Laurent Massié — 04 67 99 41 00 — This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.—