Urbaser Waste Treatment Days France


Two days of strategic exchanges for Urbaser Environnement

Urbaser discloses its new brand identity

Urbaser, a leading player in environmental management, is proud to announce its new brand identity focused on the circular economy.

Code of Conduct and the Corporate Anti-Corruption Policy
The Code of Conduct and the Corporate Anti-Corruption Policy, guarantors of our compliance culture

In this video, we show you the arrival and lifting of the boiler's constituent panels, which is the biggest lifting operation of the site.

Trifyl's Waste Sorting and Recovery Plant (UTVD) in the Tarn department of France will combine on the same site an anaerobic digestion unit and a CSR (Solid Recovered Fuels) production line, including an “in situ” CSR boiler, with final use in industrial boilers and cement plants, replacing fossil energy sources..

The construction of the future sorting center of Saint-Thibéry has started

Last January, Urbaser Environnement started the construction phase (which will last about 12 months) of the future selective collection sorting center located in the town of Saint-Thibéry in the Hérault region. Initially, preparatory work began on the former Roches Bleues quarry.

Issy-Urbaser-Energie : A Record Year!

Issy-Urbaser-Energie has set three performance records never before achieved since the site was commissioned in 2007.

The presentation of the future sorting center of the western/central Hérault territory

The presentation of the future sorting center of the western/central Hérault territory took place on Wednesday, January 19 at Gigamed (Bessan).

Inauguration of the connection of the Urban Heat Network of the Community of Agglomeration Pau Bearn Pyrenees to the Unit of Energy Recovery of Lescar

The connection of the Urban Heat Network of the Agglomeration Community to the Waste to Energy plant of Lescar was officially inaugurated this Monday, 2021, November 15th in Lescar.

The City of Paris has selected Urbapropreté IdF's bid

The City of Paris has selected Urbapropreté IdF's bid for the household waste collection in the 11th and 19th arrondissements.


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