Covid-19: Urbaser Environnement mobilized

Urbaser Environnement presents a short film to honor its teams who remain mobilized since the beginning of the containment to ensure the maintenance of essential services.

Urbaser Environnement wins the operating contract for the Isséane Waste-To-Energy plant

Urbaser Environnement will be the future operator of the Isséane Waste-To-Energy facility, owned by the “Syctom, l’Agence Métropolitaine des déchets”, which is the public agency in charge of the municipal solid waste treatment of 85 municipalities from the Paris Region, including the city of Paris. The contract takes effect from next September and runs for 99 months, i.e. 8 years and 3 months.

Discours de Claude Saint-Joly, Président de Octeva devant les invités, élus locuax et les agents du SEVADEC

On the last 16th of May, Urbaser Environnement and its daughter company Octeva, have inaugurated the starting of the erection of the new Municipal Solid Waste treatment plant in Calais.

New Corporate Video Urbaser

Urbaser Serving the Environment and Sustainability

Urbaser is a world leader in environmental management, a global sustainability-oriented company, serving more than 50 million people in 25 countries through a network of more than 40,000 employees and over 160 subsidiary companies.


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