June 2022
The construction of the future sorting center of Saint-Thibéry has started

Last January, Urbaser Environnement started the construction phase (which will last about 12 months) of the future selective collection sorting center located in the town of Saint-Thibéry in the Hérault region. Initially, preparatory work began on the former Roches Bleues quarry.
After building the 8,000 m² platform, our co-contractor Méditerranée Construction and its subcontractor Colas are currently building the foundations, which are being finalized. This represents around 20 employees on the site.
Next week, civil engineering work will begin with the erection of the first firewall between the 2,250 m² storage hall and the 2,200 m² sorting hall.
This future center, with a capacity of 12 t/h, will be equipped with 12 optical separators last generation and will recover, as of 2023, the whole of the packaging of the 7 EPCI which compose the SPL Oekomed.
The Waste Sorting and Recovery Plant (WSRP) of Trifyl is rising

The construction phase of the UTVD of Trifyl (territorial collectivity) began at the end of August 2021.
Four tower cranes and 70 employees are currently working on the foundations and pouring of the perimeter walls of the administrative building as well as those of the drying, maturation and compost storage areas. The construction of the technical void and the slab for the injectors of the two Valorga digesters is now completed. The pouring of the shell has started and will be carried out using the climbing formwork technique for about 3 months.
The grate of the future CSR boiler which will valorize the combustible fraction is being assembled. The arrival and lifting of the boiler's constitutive panels took place at the end of May and constitute the largest lifting operation of the site.
This unit, with a treatment capacity of 110,000 t/year, will be able to produce 64,000 MWh/year of biomethane and more than 40,000 MWh/year of heat produced by the in situ combustion of part of the CSR, which will be used to dry the remaining fraction intended for the cement industry.
Marc Houghton, Waste Treatment Director, answers our questions
Marc, you have just taken up your new post as Director of Waste Treatment, why did you choose Urbaser Environnement?
Urbaser Environnement is a recognized player in the collection and treatment of waste and has been growing for many years. Over the years, I have successively had Urbaser Environnement as a client, as a competitor and as a partner in a consortium. So I think I am well placed to testify to the qualities of the company.
How would you define your job in a few words?
One word is enough: exciting.
Can you tell us about your career path? How does it relate to your new position?
I am an engineer by training and I spent most of my professional life in the technical waste business, in particular with turnkey plant manufacturers, before joining a large (in size) operator in the environmental world. I am there- fore fortunate to have been able to work in the two com- plementary professions, which are too often put in opposition, which are the operation and construction of treatment plants. My new position is a logical progression to integrate these two professions.
What are the development prospects for UE in the treatment market?
First of all, it is important to note that the waste treatment market in France will undergo a major upheaval in the coming years.
We are coming to the end of a cycle of concentration of the actors of the field, following the takeovers, mergers and acquisitions of companies in difficulty. The remaining players must now fight to grow and take their place. A significant part of the French fleet's operating contracts will be put out to tender again, and the outgoing players will not necessarily renew their contracts. The future belongs to agile and creative companies that know how to propose innovative solutions to local authorities.
Growth will come from winning new contracts for selective collection sorting centers and energy recovery plants, and our performance will come from working to improve our contracts, to adapt to the new realities of raw material shortages and rising energy prices, in particular.
I fully share the vision of sustained and controlled growth of our company with the general management, our parent company and our shareholder. All the conditions are in place to create a great story.
Urbapropreté IDF obtains ISO 9001 certification

Urbapropreté IDF, a fully- owned subsidiary of Urba- ser Environnement, has just been awarded the demanding ISO 9001 Qua- lity Management System certification by AB Certification, a certification body accredited by the French Accreditation Committee (COFRAQ), for all of its waste collection and road and sidewalk cleaning activities in the City of Paris.
Urbapropreté IDF's primary objective has been the satisfaction of its client, the City of Paris, which represents nearly 85% of the Parisian population.
Urbapropreté IDF's management and operational teams, supported by the management of the head office in Montpellier, were particularly involved in obtaining this certification, which attests to compliance with the criteria and organizational requirements for a consistent service that meets the expectations of the City of Paris.
Publication Director : Bertrand Hyllaire - Copy : Laurent Massié — 04 67 99 41 00 — This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.—